
New minor specialization Behavioral Economics

The Department of Managerial Economics is opening a new minor specialization in Behavioral Economics starting in the winter semester of 2024/2025. This minor specialization will introduce you to the latest findings from the behavioral sciences with an emphasis on economic topics, managerial applications, and critical thinking. Why choose the Behavioral Economics minor specialization? You will […]

New minor specialization Behavioral Economics

Can Czech wages be higher? Unions vs. Employers

The Department of Managerial Economics will hold a debate on the growth of Czech wages, which are still very low in comparison with some Western countries. The participants of the discussion will be:    Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions President Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic Vise-President   The debate will take place on […]

Can Czech wages be higher? Unions vs. Employers

New term for the State Exam in Economics

The Department of Managerial Economics has announced a new term for the  State Examination in Economics. The state exam will take place on 26.11.2019 at 8,00 in room RB 359. Students can register for the term from 18.10. to 22.11.2019  

New term  for the State Exam in Economics

The 13th International Days of Statistics and Economics

On September 5 – 7, 2019, the 13th International Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics was held. 177 papers from the fields of Economics, Management, Statistics and Demography were presented at the conference. The Conference Proceedings you can find here The Keypspeaker was Ing. Helena Horská, Head of Economic Research, Raiffeisenbank, a.s., The […]